However, some analysts say the sector might be saddled with oversupply later this year if display manufacturers make too many of them. 不过也有分析师称由于部分厂商存在过量生产的现象,因此今年晚些时候液晶面板厂商可能会经历又一轮颓势。
In the fragmented electronics sector, the government is trying to speed up consolidation and create national champions: it recently backed a merger of the small liquid crystal display businesses of Sony, Toshiba and Hitachi. 在支离破碎的电子行业,政府正努力加速整合,创造国家冠军企业:政府最近支持了索尼、东芝(Toshiba)和日立(Hitachi)旗下小型液晶显示企业的合并。
As for the service sector, China will not be able to display its advantage at least in a short period, so China will mainly be an importer in service trade. 服务业至少在短时期内还没有优势,服务贸易将以进口为主。